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Participatory Engagement of 'Heritage and Culture' in Rwanda

We would like to thank the 'Petit Journal du Tarn-et-Garonne' for their article on our project 'La Retraite Qui Vous Sourit' (The Retirement That Smiles at You). Here is the original link to the article published in France :

Statement by Maryvonne Boyer, member of the association Heritage and Culture: "Upon invitation from the versatile Pierre-Jean Fasan and Ange Gaju, founders of the 'Learn to Understand' association, three members of 'Heritage and Culture' traveled to Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, a country of a thousand hills.

The Franco-Rwandan association 'Learn to Understand' works in schools and offers educational teams a school approach based on creative workshops that they are not used to practicing.

So Jean-Paul and Jeannine Bras, along with Hughes Durand, flew to Kigali with six large wooden games in kit form.

Warmly welcomed by the children of Shyorongi Primary School, they supervised the assembly of the games by the students, allowing them to express themselves through drawing and painting (provided by 'Heritage and Culture') for decoration.

These creations greatly surprised their teachers!

Then came the big competition for the schoolchildren, joyful, noisy, and incredibly warm.

A presentation about our village greatly interested them, as well as the life of Antoine Laumet, known as Lamothe Cadillac, founder of Detroit and father of Cadillac cars.

They discovered a country in full expansion, inhabited by warm-hearted people with deeply rooted traditions, and were captivated by these children who, at the end of primary school, are able to express themselves in three languages, or even more for some.

A promise was made to return!

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